Belgian Tervuren Rescue

Belgian Tervuren Rescue
229 Adopted!

Belgian Tervuren Rescue

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Belgian Tervuren Rescue Information: The Belgian Tervuren is a smart, territorial dog that needs a lot of attention and socialization. The alert Tervuren makes a good watch dog as well as a good pet, but is best matched with an owner who is experienced with training dogs. Belgian Tervurens are highly obedient when trained. Tervurens should be socialized with children and other animals from an early age. Belgian Tervurens are one of four types of Belgian Shepherd dogs similar in temperament to Belgian Malinois.

Belgian Tervuren Trivia: The Belgian Tervuren is used to assist people with disabilities. Belgian Tervurens are used in bomb and gas detection. Belgian Tervurens are used by narcotics squads. Belgian Tervurens will try to herd animals and even family members by nipping at their heels. Many owners of Belgian Tervurens report that their dog has a great sense of humor.